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Batman the Animated Series Alan Gun Episode

Batman the Animated Series Alan Gun Episode

You may besides exist looking for the supervillain 2-Face.

"Two-Face" is a ii-part episode of the first season of Batman: The Animated Series . It depicts the transformation of Gotham City Commune Attorney Harvey Dent into the villain Two-Face.


Part I

Harvey Dent has a nightmare in which he is confronted by a mysterious doppelganger, flipping a money over and over once more. Merely earlier Dent wakes upwardly, the figure assures him: "It's time, Harvey... it's fourth dimension!".

Dent awakens in his function, awoken by his secretarial assistant Carlos from the D.A.'s function, and heads out to meet with Commissioner Gordon for a raid on a derelict edifice existence held by Rupert Thorne's gang, heavily defended with stolen weapons and supplies from Gotham'southward Ground forces depots. With Batman's assistance, the gang is captured.

Harvey Dent attacks a criminal that just slung mud onto him.

In front of news reporters, Dent publicly congratulates the police force and thanks Gordon. But but then, one of the captured crooks taunts Dent with the assurance that he and his cohorts will soon exist free, and kicks a puddle of mud, splattering information technology on Dent's adapt. To everyone's shock, Dent goes berserk with fury and attacks the handcuffed human being, and has to be pulled off him. A second later, Dent inexplicably reverts to his amiable, courteous cocky, with seemingly no memory of the fit of rage. Despite having seen the direct crusade of the set on, Gordon asks what was that all about and Dent says "I don't know. I guess he just hit the right button." Gordon mutters "That's 1 heck of a button."

Meanwhile, Thorne is gritting his teeth, every bit Dent's actions have crippled his interests in Gotham. He commands his moll Candice to find something dirty about Paring's past that could be used in his favor, despite his obviously spotless record.

A short fourth dimension afterwards at a entrada party to raise funds for his re-election every bit Gothams' District Attorney at Wayne Manor, Dent has another trigger-happy burst in public when he is told that Thorne'south men accept been released due to an incomplete warrant and claims that the judge let them go because he had been bought. Bruce Wayne is nearby and tries to calm him, simply Dent shouts him abroad, and is prepared to attack him, simply calmed by the intervention of his fiancée, Grace Lamont. Concerned, Bruce advises him to seek psychiatric assist to which Grace implies he already is, much to Harvey'south embarrassment. Dent is highly reluctant to announced vulnerable during his reelection entrada, but agrees to seek counseling.

Harvey with Grace at his campaign.

Under hypnosis with Dr. Nora Crest, an alternate personality known as "Big Bad Harv" surfaces. "Harv" is resentful of Dent and produces a money which he compulsively flips. Dr. Crest reveals that as a boy Harvey suppressed his rage until it became a separate personality which is Big Bad Harv. Crest notes that Harvey needs to realize that acrimony is zippo to be ashamed of in order for Big Bad Harv to go away but he refuses to let Dent take over completely. Subsequently Dr. Crest is well-nigh thrown from the window, she snaps her fingers. Dent resurfaces, and is immediately shaken by "Large Bad Harv" and his actions, stating that he used to exist able to repress him before. Nora suggests Dent acknowledge himself to a psychiatric hospital for a few days, only Dent refuses proverb that it'd destroy his campaign entirely. Shakily, Dent agrees to the continued (but cloak-and-dagger) therapy sessions during the reelection campaign along with letting upwards on the aggression of it to keep his emotions in-check. Unbeknownst to Harvey, Candice secretly overheard the incident and she leaves to tell Thorne.

Afterward at a entrada party, information technology is revealed that Dent is well-nigh to receive a landslide victory in the re-election; and that Harvey decides to gloat this past proposing to Grace and selecting a nuptials date later on that evening as part of his credence speech communication to DA. Dent receives a call from Thorne, who summons him to a meeting, or else "Big Bad Harv" will be exposed; completely demolishing Harvey's career. Noticing Dent's strange behavior, Bruce changes into Batman and follows him.

At an abased chemical constitute, Thorne and his gang face up Dent, having found records from his childhood that show that after he fought back against a bully, the male child was later on hospitalized (for appendicitis, not injuries, but young Dent didn't know that). Feeling guilty, Harvey repressed his acrimony so completely that information technology has built up over the years, until it has become "Big Bad Harv".

The fateful accident that created Ii-Face up.

Thorne threatens to expose an increasingly agitated Dent unless he complies with Thorne'southward calendar. Suddenly calm, Paring smiles and says: "There'south one problem: Y'all're talking to the wrong Harvey." Now it is Big Bad Harv who rises and attacks Thorne and his accomplices, wiping out the gang with the reluctant aid of Batman. Thorne grabs the psychiatric file and runs out of the part through the establish, and Dent chases him. One of Thorne'southward thugs opens burn down with a Tommy gun, and Batman knocks his aim off. A stray bullet hits an electrical switchboard, and a alive cable falls into a vat of chemicals, which blow up under the catwalk where Paring has fallen face up-down, the explosion tears through the catwalk and catching him correct in the face. As Batman attends to his fallen friend, he recoils in horror at the damage wrought.

Batman reacts in horror upon seeing the impairment to Harvey'due south confront.

Dent is rushed to a hospital. The doctor admits he will have physical scars, though Bruce is more concerned about the mental scars. Meanwhile, Thorne has exposed Harvey'southward other personality to the public. Though Cadence believes they are rid of Dent, Thorne is unconvinced. Later, The doctor removes his bandages, confessing that there will exist some scarring. Just when the bandages are gone, the dr. and nurse back away in horror. Paring demands to come across a mirror.

Grace walks down the hall to Dent'south room carrying flowers, then hears a horrible scream and sees Dent bolt from his room, clutching his face up. Grace asks him what happened. He turns, revealing that one side of his body has been scarred by the chemicals, making him seem half-human being, one-half-monster. She faints dead away. Dent, muttering a rueful farewell, disappears through the infirmary'south window.

Part II

The new Harvey Paring.

Six months later, Paring, at present calling himself "Two-Face", has recruited ii henchmen, twin brothers Min and Max. Ii-Face'south auto pulls up outside i of Thorne'due south bookies, and the gangster flips a coin: both sides are stamped with a head, simply one has been gouged with deep scratches. Two-Face flips the coin to determine whether they will hit the bookie. The coin lands "bad" heads up, and they raid the place. After immigration out the safe and the cash drawers, and taking a crate filled with silver dollars, one of the twins sees a diamond ring on a woman's finger, and starts to take it. 2-Face up flips the coin once more, saying jewelry wasn't part of the plan – the coin lands "proficient" heads upwards and to his henchman's bafflement, Two-Face yells at him to leave the ring. Before leaving, Ii-Confront empties his gun into the walls and television set screens, leaving a message for Thorne.

Thorne, infuriated that his nearly fearsome enemy is now targeting him without the constraint of the law and hurting his pocket much more than he ever did as District Attorney, puts a two million dollar contract on 2-Face's caput, one million for each face.

Bruce has his own nightmare, when both Dent and his parents need why he failed to save them. Waking, he vows to save his friend at any cost.

Candice, playing a more subtle game than Thorne's other thugs, visits Grace bearded as a police detective, saying that they desire to assistance Dent. Candice leaves her a transmitter with instructions to activate it if Dent contacts her.

In their hideout, Two-Face starts sharing out the profits of the bookie raid. When he opens his own wallet, he freezes when he sees a flick of himself, whole and happy, with Grace at his side. Noticing this, Max offers to bring Grace to him if he misses her so much. Two-Face flips his coin, which lands bad heads, and says it can wait. He besides says he's through with humiliating Thorne, and is gear up to take him down once and for all.

Batman looks at Two-Face up's list of targets – all of which, besides having some relation to the number two, are fronts for Thorne's activities – and predicts his adjacent target.

At the part of Thorne'south attorney (last proper noun Doubleday), Two-Face up and his men find a confidential file on Thorne with evidence galore of his criminal activities. Batman appears and tries to stop them, pleading with Two-Face up to allow him help. Ii-Face up is momentarily halted by the mention of Grace, but then Batman is distracted past the appearance of Max, snapping Two-Face out of it. Two-Confront escapes with the file, floor Batman with a kick that sends him crashing into a janitor'south cart, severely cracking his ribs.

Every bit they are driving away, Ii-Face sees an ad for a wedding ceremony shop, and imagines that the bride is Grace. Telling his men to end the car, he takes out his coin and flips it...

Thorne's men attack Two-Confront and Grace in his hideout.

He telephones Grace and asks to encounter with her. She agrees and after she hangs up, hesitates briefly, then activates the transmitter.

Thorne rages that if the file finds its way to the police force, he volition exist ruined. Then Candice receives the bespeak from Grace.

Grace is delivered to the derelict "Wild Deuce" guild, where she enters a big room – half of it carefully groomed, one-half of it violently destroyed. Two-Face stands in the middle, his scarred half covered by a white cloth with an open eyehole. When Grace tries to reason with him, he starts talking about hazard, maxim how it controls everything, including whether a person is skillful or bad.

Grace refuses to accept this, saying that Paring has achieved all the practiced things in his life – becoming District Chaser, winning her heart – through difficult piece of work and virtue. He can still be a good person, and reverse the harm he has washed. She then pulls away the textile and says that, despite everything he's become, she nonetheless loves him. Two-Face embraces her, his voice breaking... and so Thorne enters with his thugs, having knocked out Min and Max.

Candice gloatingly informs Two-Face that Grace is the one who led them to him, while Grace is horrified. Thorne demands the file and Two-Face up refuses, only Throne breaks him by threatening Grace. Beaten, Two-Face pulls the file from under one of the disused roulette tables. Thorne confirms that the file is genuine, then orders his henchmen to kill both of them.

Only then, Batman arrives. Thorne attempts to shoot him, but Ii-Face kicks Thorne and causes him to shoot a chandelier which collapses onto him. Batman and Two-Face assail the thugs, though Batman is severely hampered by his cracked ribs, while Grace does her role by knocking Candice out. Once the thugs are subdued, Two-Face up aims a Tommy gun at the trapped Thorne, while Batman is besides weak to rising.

In a fountain, Batman'southward coin lands good heads upwardly.

Grace and Batman plead to let the police force bargain with Thorne, and Two-Face retorts that the simply law is the constabulary of averages. He flips his coin to decide Thorne'southward fate... and so Batman throws the crate of silver dollars, mixing them in midair with 2-Face's coin and causing him to lose information technology. Unable to decide without it, Ii-Face collapses onto the order'south floor, throwing a tantrum of rage equally Grace comforts him.

The police arrive and Thorne and his gang are taken away. Two-Face is as well arrested, merely with Grace by his side. Gordon wonders whether there's hope for Dent, to which Batman claims wherever at that place is love, there is hope.

Just alone, he flips a coin into a nearby fountain, wishing his old friend Harvey the best of luck. Every bit he turns away, the coin lands heads up.

Background data

Home video releases

Production inconsistencies

  • In the scene where Dent lies in the hospital, his hair, neckline, and hand are conspicuously undamaged and unscarred. All the same, when Grace faints after seeing him for the outset time as Two-Face, his hair is discolored and his cervix is scarred.
  • In Role Two, and throughout the rest of the series, Ii-Face'due south left hand is damaged, but it was unharmed at the end of Part I when he commencement emerged from the operating room.
  • In Part II, when 2-Face looks in his wallet, in that location is a carte du jour registered to Two-Face himself, rather than Harvey Dent. No real banking establishment would willingly lend a credit/debit card to a known criminal.


  • During the commencement of the robbery at the start of Part II, Two-Confront tells everyone "For the next five minutes, I'm in control!" This line was spoken by actor Al Pacino in Dog Day Afternoon .
  • The entire line "Don't bother to adjust the picture..." is as well similar to the introduction for the classic science fiction series The Outer Limits : "Practise non endeavour to adjust your telly. Nosotros are controlling the transmission.".
  • Grace Lamont, Harvey Dent's fiancée, is played by Murphy Cross, who likewise played a lady friend of Richard Moll'due south character, Bull Shannon, on the Goggle box serial Night Court . Frankie, Thorne's chief thug who menaces Grace, is played past Cross's married man, Matt Landers.
  • Grace's name is a modification of Gilda Grace Dent, Dent's wife in the comics.
  • On the Volume I DVD set up, this is the first two-part episode, found on the 2d disc. It is also the tenth episode, making information technology the first with ii digits.
  • This marked the time when the writers felt the series really took an adult turn.
  • The scene where Dent outset sees his new appearance in the hospital was intended to be like to the scene in the alive-action flick Batman where gangster Jack Napier (Jack Nicholson) first sees his new advent as the Joker.
  • When Two-Face opens his wallet to give Min and Max their cutting of the coin stolen from the bookies, the number 666 is visible on his credit card in his wallet.
  • The final shot, in which Two-Face up's coin lands good heads, was used in both live-action movies Batman Forever and The Dark Knight, as Two-Face up (Tommy Lee Jones and Aaron Eckhart, respectively) falls to his decease.
  • The part where Batman throws multiple coins at 2-Face while he is flipping his money was also after copied in "Batman Forever".
  • The thought of Harvey Dent aka Two-Face wearing a half white, half black divide-down-the-middle Armani adapt has been copied by the comics since the episode.
  • Grace Lamont made no further appearances in the television shows, simply did appear in the comics. In Batman & Robin Adventures #1 and Batman & Robin Adventures Vol #ii , she falls victim to a nefarious plot by the Joker: he enrages Ii-Face up by suggesting that Grace and Bruce Wayne are a couple. Ii-Face kidnaps Dick and threatens to impale him, but in the end Grace stabs Two-Face's disfigured confront with his damaged coin. The story ends with the implication that their relationship is over. In Batman & Robin Adventures #22, still, Two-Face calls Grace via payphone and warns her to get out of her flat before Petty Jonni Infantino, who threatens to harm Grace when Two-Face up refuses to give data on one of Harvey Dent'south final cases, can transport his men afterward her. She is later seen crying while telling Bruce Wayne that Harvey just saved her life. This comic may signal that Grace withal loves Harvey and that there is still hope for him.
  • This episode marks the first time that Batman's life has been saved by one of his enemies, in this case, 2-Confront (who kicks a gun out of Rupert Thorne'south hand to stop him shooting Batman). Subsequent enemies who protect, defend or salvage Batman are Catwoman (in "Almost Got 'Im"), the Joker (in "Mad Love" and the not-canonical video game "Batman: Vengeance"), Harley Quinn (in "Harlequinade"), Bane (in "Bane"), Mister Freeze (in "Deep Freeze" and Batman & Mr. Freeze: SubZero ) and the Ventriloquist (in "Double Talk"), either to genuinely protect him or to go on him alive long plenty then that they can kill him.
  • Harvey Dent during the DA reelection campaign says to the Gothamites to "vote early, vote often. Merely in different elections." This is a reference to a phrase stated by sometime Chicago mayor Richard J. Daley relating to the voting process, which can refer to more muddied aspects of elections such equally election stuffing.


Actor Role
Kevin Conroy Batman/Bruce Wayne
Bob Hastings Commissioner Gordon
Henchman (uncredited)
Efrem Zimbalist, Jr. Alfred
Richard Moll Two-Face/Harvey Dent
Thomas Wayne (uncredited)
White potato Cantankerous Grace Lamont
Mari Devon Summertime Gleeson
Bob DoQui Doctor
Matt Landers Frankie
Diane Michelle Candice
Linda Gary Dr. Nora Crest
Marcelo Tubert Carlos
John Vernon Rupert Thorne
Micky Dolenz Min and Max

Uncredited appearances


Part 1

Big Bad Harv: Harvey... Harvey Paring...
Harvey: No! Continue abroad! Leave me alone! (continues running)
Big Bad Harv: (chuckles) Where you going, Harvey? Yous tin can't become away from me. (appears in front of him) See what I mean?
Harvey: Stay abroad! I desire no part of you!

Candace: My, this guy is crazy.
Rupert Thorne: Yeah, crazy similar a fox. That little tantrum probably bought him some other x,000 votes.

Thorne: All men have something to hide. The brighter the moving-picture show, the darker the negative.

Large Bad Harv: I'm goin' nowhere, missy! If anyone's leavin', it's Mr. Goody-Adept! And maybe you with him...

Thorne: So what exercise you say, Harvey? Do we accept a bargain?
Harvey: There'southward merely one problem.
Thorne: What's that?
Big Bad Harv: You're talking to the incorrect Harvey.

Batman: (Seeing Harvey'south scarred face for the first fourth dimension)

Part 2

Two-Face: (entering a bookie's to rob information technology) Don't bother to adjust the picture. For the next five minutes, I'1000 in command.

Two-Face: Before I go, I want you all to give Rupert Thorne a message for me... (fires constantly into the air)


Bruce: So what are y'all dreaming tonight, Harvey? Peaceful dreams? Nightmares? Maybe both at once.

2-Confront: (to Min and Max) You ever were a couple of greedy little beggars, even when I prosecuted you every bit DA.

Two-Face up: This is my earth at present... A dichotomy of order and chaos, only like me.

Thorne: At concluding nosotros meet, face up to face up... to face up.

(Ii-Face aims a gun at Thorne)
Grace: Harvey, what are you lot doing?!
Two-Confront: Taking control of my life.
Batman: Let the law handle it.
Two-Face up: The police?! Here's the only police force! (holds up his money) The law of averages! The great equalizer! (flips information technology)

Commissioner Gordon: Poor Harvey. And so filled with acrimony. Do y'all think there'southward any promise?
Batman: Where there's love, there'south hope, Commissioner. But a little luck wouldn't hurt. (tosses a coin into a fountain) For you, Harvey.

Batman the Animated Series Alan Gun Episode




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